ActiveX Products by NiceFeather Software
» Found 7 items by NiceFeather Software

BitmapCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tool to pick picture from files, bitmaps, resources and any GDI handle.
2. A built-in visual picture file open/preview dialog.
3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information.
4. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events.
5. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other properties are completely customizable.
6. Full
- Submitted 2/10/2005

Color Picker ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Windows XP/VISTA standard button, toolbar button, dropdown button, extend button styles and effects;
2. Office 2000, 2003, 2007 color picker styles and GLASS effects;
3. Color popup cells dimension is changeable and can customize design;
4. Can load or generate ramp palette file(.pal) at design mode and runtime, supports add, edit, clear ramp color nodes;
5. Full icon/caption, shadows, tooltips, default and custom color items features.
- Submitted 2/3/2001

ColorCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tool to select color from 16 colors, system colors or customized color list.
2. A built-in professional color dialog.
3. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information and so on.
4. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events.
5. Item type, string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other properties are completely customizable.
- Submitted 2/12/2005

ComboPro ActiveX Controls Suite
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tools for picking Picture, Color, Font name, GDI pen and brush.
2. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information.
3. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties.
4. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other properties are completely customizable.
5. Full support XP theme with a .NET development.
- Submitted 8/7/2004

FontCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tool to select fonts from an enumerated font families.
2. TrueType/OpenType and other font types recognizing ability.
3. Multi-language Charsets enumerating and font scripts support.
4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information.
5. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events.
6. Item type, font script, font height, fore/back color,
- Submitted 2/12/2005

LineCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tool to select GDI pen(Line) from customized pattern lines list.
2. Support solid line, hatch line, customizing texture line.
3. A built-in professional pattern lines Pick/Edit dialog.
4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information.
5. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events.
6. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color,
- Submitted 9/4/2005

PatternCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features:
1. Ideal tool to select GDI brush from customized patterns list.
2. Support solid brush, hatch brush, customizing texture brush.
3. A built-in professional patterns Pick/Edit dialog.
4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information.
5. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events.
6. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other p
- Submitted 9/4/2005