ComboPro ActiveX Controls Suite ActiveX Product

ComboPro ActiveX Controls Suite

by NiceFeather Software

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Key Features: 1. Ideal tools for picking Picture, Color, Font name, GDI pen and brush. 2. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. 3. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties. 4. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other properties are completely customizable. 5. Full support XP theme with a .NET development.

Note: Active-X.COM has not tested this software. It was submitted directly by the software publisher and listed on Active-X.COM for your convenience. It is advised that you only download and install software from sites you trust.

Additional Information

Publisher NiceFeather Software
List Price $69.95 (U.S.)
Category Windows User Interface
License Shareware
Submitted 8/7/2004
Usage ActiveX Control ActiveX Control
ActiveX EXE ActiveX EXE
ActiveX DLL ActiveX DLL
Active Server Page Object ActiveX ASP
ActiveX Component Sute Component Suite
100% .NET Compatible 100% .NET Compatible
Special Requirements