ActiveX Products in Other
» Found 372 items in Other: Displaying 361 - 372

Xceed Backup Library
by Xceed Software Inc.
The Xceed Backup Library lets developers add on-demand or scheduled backups to their Windows applications. Its full-featured ActiveX control includes backup/catalog/log file management, a multithreaded scheduler and removable media support.
- Submitted 8/31/1999

Xceed Binary Encoding Library
by Xceed Software Inc.
Add binary-to-text and text-to-binary encoding and decoding to your Windows apps quickly and easily. Supports base64, UUEncode, XXEncode, binhex, hex & quoted-printable. Download it today!
- Submitted 6/7/2001

Xceed Encryption Library
by Xceed Software Inc.
The Xceed Encryption library allows you to easily add strong encryption and decryption capability to your Windows applications. Supports the latest industry-standard strong encryption algorithms and offers both symmetrical and public-key cryptography.
- Submitted 5/10/2002

Xceed Input Validator for .NET
by Xceed Software Inc.
Provides easy-to-use, self-wiring text validation for your Windows Forms controls. When dropped onto a Form, a validation criterion that can be configured entirely visually (through dialog boxes or the Properties window) is added to each data input component. Values contained in these components are then automatically validated at runtime. Also features fully customizable error messages
- Submitted 9/15/2004

Xceed Streaming Compression Library
by Xceed Software Inc.
Compress and decompress streaming data as well as memory buffers, strings, blobs or single files from your Windows apps. Supports various formats including Zlib, GZip & BZip2. Download it today!
- Submitted 6/7/2001

Xceed Zip Compression Library
by Xceed Software Inc.
This high-performance Zip and Unzip data compression library lets your applications create and manipulate 100% PKZip 2.04g and 4.5 compatible Zip files as well as compress/uncompress data directly in memory. It's designed to offer maximum flexibility while being the easiest to use product of its kind. Includes a state-of-the-art, impeccably documented ActiveX component that provides the industry's most complete feature set and the fastest multi-threaded compression engine.
- Submitted 7/20/1999

xDir Library
by 10Tec Company
Enumerates files/folders in subfolders in the main or separate process (in asynchronous mode) using a lot of filter criteria. Among of them are: file and folder mask (you can use the wildcard characters); size (xDir supports files whose size is bigger than 2Gb); attributes including NTFS-specific attributes; date and time of creation, last access and modification; context search using the ASCII and/or Unicode character-encoding scheme. A good replacement for the standard Dir function.
- Submitted 3/12/2003

by Jeff Goslin
XGenetic provides a simple way to implement artificial intelligence into a program. Included are XGenetic.ocx, and detailed instructions, including a sample program.
- Submitted 2/7/2000

Zip Code Pro
by Russell Anderson
Easily add Zip Code information retrieval to your VB5 Order Application. Load the correct information (City, State, County, and Area Code) for any US Zip Code. Great for ordering systems allowing operators to simply ask for the customers zip code.
- Submitted 6/25/1998

ZipTV Compression ActiveX Suite
by Microchip Data Systems
Compress, extract to disk / memory, search files or ASCII / binary / hexadecimal / decimal / octal data in archives / non-archives / disk, encode / decode, associate files, convert between archive formats, work with multi-volume / multi-part / nested archives, test, SFX, UnSFX, Edit headers, retrieve passwords etc. Supports ZIP, JAR, CAB, LHA, LZH, TAR, GZIP, GZipTar, BH( BlakHole ), UUE/XXE/ENC, RAR, ARJ, ARC, ACE, ZOO, TGZ( Unix ), Z, HA, PAK
- Submitted 7/2/2003

Zyneo SMS ActiveX Control
by Zyneo HB
Zyneo SMS Control is an ActiveX control, designed to make it very easy to integrate the sending and receiving of SMS-messages from your ActiveX enabled application. You need to have a development environment that supports ActiveX controls, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C++, Borland Delphi etc. Sample programs for MS Visual Basic, MS Visual C++ and Borland Delphi are included in the package. This version is completely free for non-commercial and evaluation purposes.
- Submitted 9/27/2002
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