ActiveX Products in Windows User Interface
» Found 506 items in Windows User Interface: Displaying 181 - 200
ExEditors Library
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExEditors Library, a 100% ATL based component suite, contains 16 data edit controls in a single ActiveX control. Each editor can have a three-state check box associated and an unlimited number of buttons on the left or right side. Each button can display an icon or a picture and can have its own tool tip. Most of the editors are mask based. Here’s the list of all editors and their short descriptions: + None: Provides a standard label control + Edit: Provides a standard text edit control
- Submitted 3/18/2002
by Exontrol Inc.
Provide rich display of file and folder information from within your applications. ExFileView is an ActiveX component for creating Windows Explorer-style functionality. Files with different attributes can be displayed with different color, background color, font, etc. It can also filter the files based on files extensions using Include or Exclude clauses. The ExFileView component is able to change the displayed icon, or type file, supports Drag & Drop, incremental search, mouse wheel and more. T
- Submitted 11/1/2001
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExGantt component is our approach to create timeline charts (also known as Gantt charts). Gantt chart is a time-phased graphic display of activity durations.
- Submitted 6/10/2005
by Digital Solutions
ExIEToolTip from Digital Solutions is an ActiveX DLL component that greatly enhances the visual appearance of your application's or desktop tooltips. ExIEToolTip provides a high level of visual customization and are a compact addition to your project. ExIEToolTip can accept and display a subset of HTML code to provide your application with rich-text tooltips for any control that has a hWnd.
- Submitted 2/19/2004
by Exontrol Inc.
Add an advanced List control to your application. The exList ActiveX control is 32-bit light ActiveX, that displays and edit your tabular data. Features include: data bounding, multiple columns, sorting, multiple selection, user resizable columns, columns dragable, locked or unlocked columns, drag and drop, cells can be formatted individually, or via columns or rows, radio buttons, images, check boxes, multi-line list items, incremental search feature, mouse wheel support, column alignment right
- Submitted 11/1/2001
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExMaskEdit ActiveX control handles the format of text entered by the user. What does ExMaskEdit provide, and other mask edit control doesn't? The ExMaskEdit control provides a nice and useful feature, that we called multimask ( haven't seen it before ) , that means that the control is able to handle more than a mask at runtime. Sometime, your mask doesn't fit all the requirements, or the masking rules are limited, so you are unable to use a standard mask edit control.
- Submitted 12/7/2001
ExMenu ActiveX Control
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol Inc. is pleased to announce the release of ExMenu ActiveX control, an ultimate menu control. The ExMenu ActiveX is a complete new type of control that displays and handles more than a menu for your application. The ExMenu simulates menu bar, popup menu, options button, toolbar, pick list, and more. Make you application more intuitive using the ExMenu. HOT! ability to add an edit control to any menu item HOT! ability to display the menu horizontally and vertically as well
- Submitted 4/12/2002
ExOrgChart, Organigram Tree Control
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExOrgChart component permits the totally automatic generation of organigrams. Features Include: - Ability to explore only a branch of the organigram - Ability to display multiple layers of the organigram - Ability to assign multiple HTML lines to any node - Ability to assign icons, pictures to the node aligned to any side of it. - Mouse wheel support - Ability to scroll the organigram using the mouse or keyboard - and more
- Submitted 6/9/2003
Explorer Tree View
by Audiopimp
Finally there is a way to mimic the folder browsing capability of Windows Explorer in your own VB applications, complete with right-click context menus! Works exactly like a regular TreeView control with all the same properties, methods and events. Download comes with a sample VB project, Readme file and an uninstaller.
- Submitted 3/29/2002
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExplorerBar ActiveX control, an accurate reproduction of the Microsoft XP Explorer Bar, provides an intuitive user-interface when large amounts of information need to be presented. The object model is rich and intuitive.
- Submitted 9/15/2002
ExplorerBar AX
by DinkIT Limited
DinkIT ExplorerBar AX is a royalty free ActiveX control, that allows you to implement Microsoft Windows XPStyle ExplorerBar's into you applications. ExplorerBar is a fully configurable control that defaults to a familiar Windows XP style, but can easily be configured to you own custom style. ExplorerBar enable you to display many options in a small area, allowing you to create complex user interfaces, while maximizing screen realestate. Use the Built in imageList to store your own icons
- Submitted 10/14/2002
ExplorerTree Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Add structured navigation functionality to your applications. The ExplorerTree component adds navigation functionality to your applications, it brings simple information structuring and easy application navigation.
- Submitted 1/13/2004
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExPopupMenu ActiveX control allows you to display and handle a shortcut menu (window popup menu) or a window's menu bar. The ExPopupMenu control contains also a MenuButton object that allows attaching a popup menu to a push button. Building the menu is more than intuitive because the control provides a WYSIWYG editor, at design time.
- Submitted 11/1/2001
ExPrint, Print and Print Preview
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol ExPrint component is an advanced printing system specifically to bring your User Interface to the printed page. The ExPrint component provides Print and Print Preview features for components like: exGrid, exTree, exList, exCalendar, exComboBox, exPropertiesList, exFileView, and so on.
- Submitted 2/7/2003
by Exontrol Inc.
The ExPropertiesList control (similar to the control used to manipulate properties in Visual Studio) provides an efficient, intuitive and visually compact way to handle data input with minimal coding and user interface design. A built from the ground up using 100% ATL-based code, the ExPropertiesList represents some of the most advanced properties list technology available in the ActiveX marketplace. The ExPropertiesList accepts even custom properties. You can browse a non ActiveX control.
- Submitted 11/1/2001
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new exRolList control handles and displays lists on an elliptic shape. The exRolList rotates the list to let items being visible, and so no scrolls are required. Features include: incremental search feature, WYSWYG Template/Layout editor, unlimited options to display items using HTML format, ability to assign multiple HTML lines tooltips to items, and more.
- Submitted 8/25/2003
by Exontrol Inc.
ExSkin is an ActiveX control that enables you to change the visual appearance of your project's forms, providing you with the skin (or look&feel) support. Now you can do: any kind of window captions, frames, client and non-client areas and more. Also, the control contains a Builder component that helps you to create new
- Submitted 11/1/2001
ExSkinBox Component
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol's new ExSkinBox offers you skinable message and input boxes. A message box is a dialog box that displays a prompt and ends when the user clicks a button. An input box is a dialog box that waits for the user to input text or click a button.
- Submitted 3/10/2004
ExSuite Complete Developer Package
by Exontrol Inc.
Exontrol Inc now offers a powerful suite of controls for building applications. The Exontrol's suite provides you with a series of powerful and easy-to-use list-tree-grid-combo controls, for the display of recursive data in your application
- Submitted 8/26/2003
ExTab Skin based TAB control
by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol ExTab component is a SKIN based TAB control. A tab control is analogous to the dividers in a notebook or the labels in a file cabinet. By using a tab control, an application can define multiple pages for the same area of a form or dialog box. Each page consists of a certain type of information or a group of controls that the application displays when the user selects the corresponding tab.
- Submitted 1/27/2003
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