ActiveX Products in Windows User Interface
» Found 506 items in Windows User Interface: Displaying 201 - 220

ExtHeaderX ActiveX
Extended Header control with unlimited levels of subheaders, tooltips for each section, clicking, drag'n'drop, hottrack, sizing height and width sections
- Submitted 2/17/1999

by Exontrol Inc.
The Exontrol's ExToolTip provides featured tooltips for your application. The tooltip is a common graphical user interface element. It is used in conjunction with a cursor, usually a mouse pointer. The user hovers the cursor over an item, without clicking it, and a small box appears with supplementary information regarding the item being hovered over. Adding the component to your projects is very easy, and requires only a few lines of code.
- Submitted 1/21/2009

by Exontrol Inc.
Add an enhanced exTree component to your application. exTree provides the entire range of capabilities you would expect to see in a state-of-the-art Tree component. Features include multiple columns, buil-in HTML support, WYSWYG Template/Layout editor, FilterBar support, ActiveX hosting (you can place any ActiveX component in any item of the tree), events from contained components are fired through to your program using the exact same model used in VB6, NET ready ...
- Submitted 11/1/2001

EZLife Wizard Control
by Step One Technologies Ltd
Build & manage Visual Basic wizards easily with the EZLife Wizard Control. Wizards are great for automating complex processes and leading the user through step by step - but so complex to code! The EZLife Wizard Control makes it so easy, you'll be using
- Submitted 7/6/1999

by Alfafish
Get icons into the systray by setting only two properties. VB5 sample project included.
- Submitted 9/9/1999

Fancy Controls
by FancyControls
FancyControls is a set of excellent cool looking controls. This version contains 9 unique controls. Some of the great controls are Colorselector(16 or 256)popup/dropdown!!, Icon browsers, 3dPorgressbars, Logos(really cool) etc....
- Submitted 10/22/2000

FileView ActiveX Control
by Sky Software
FileView Control allows you to add a Windows-Explorer-like listview to your application, showing all files and folders exactly as Explorer. It mimics all aspects of Explorer, right from displaytexts, icons and overlayicons to contextmenus, dragdrop, AutoU
- Submitted 2/18/2001

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new FileView/X component provides a file list view which is identical to that seen in the Windows Explorer. Using FileViewX you can easily present a list of files to users which they can, optionally, be allowed to display as they like.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

Flat Button ActiveX Control
by DevPower Development Tool
Flat Button is an button that operates in the style of todays popular applications like IE, Office97 and Oulook 98 with some unique styles. Usable within a forms or web pages, its flexible interface allows full control over colors, sounds and behaviour.
- Submitted 9/23/1998

by Distant Islands Software
Set of controls, which gives your application modern flat look. Contains three controls - button array, switch and control substituting TabControl. Buttons can be variously colored, transparent, have arbitrary shape and finally – can be owner draw.
- Submitted 8/30/2000

FlexCell Grid Control
by FlexCell Technologies
FlexCell is a very flexible and easy to use grid control. It provides comprehensive functions such as Print, Print Preview, Chart, Virtual Grid, Sort, Import and Export XML, Export to Excel Workbook (no need of Excel runtime support), etc.
- Submitted 9/17/2003

FlexCell Grid Control for .NET
by FlexCell Technologies
FlexCell Grid Control for .Net is a flexible and easy to use .NET grid control, it provides comprehensive functions such as Data-binding, Print, Print Preview, Chart, Virtual Grid, Sort, Import and Export XML, Export to Excel Workbook, etc.
- Submitted 4/29/2005

FlyTreeXPro ActiveX
by Imca_Systems
FlyTreeXPro represents the fastest and powerful tree/grid/list technology available in the ActiveX marketplace. The FlyTreeXPro is a powerful and flexible control for bound/unbound/combined data displaying, editing and browsing which allow you with power of more than 40 types of inplace editors + your own formats of data! The FlyTreeXPro is a lightweight ActiveX that will help you create fastest and convenient applications.
- Submitted 1/23/2002

FolderView ActiveX Control
by Sky Software
The FolderView Control allows you to add a Windows-Explorer-like treeview to your application, showing all files and folders exactly as Windows Explorer does. It mimics all aspects of Explorer, right from displaytexts, icons and overlayicons to contextmen
- Submitted 2/18/2001

by Mabry Software, Inc.
Mabry's new FolderView/X component provides a folder list view which is identical to that seen in the Windows Explorer. Using FolderView/X you can easily present a list of folders to users.
- Submitted 12/21/2000

Font List & Combo ActiveX Control
by Zeal SoftStudio
Font List & Combo ActiveX Control allows you choose all the avaible fonts from a listbox or combobox. Support WYSWIG.
- Submitted 3/30/1999

FontCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select fonts from an enumerated font families. 2. TrueType/OpenType and other font types recognizing ability. 3. Multi-language Charsets enumerating and font scripts support. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. 5. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events. 6. Item type, font script, font height, fore/back color,
- Submitted 2/12/2005

Frame Editor and Container for .NET
by KineticaRT Ltd
The KineticaRT .NET Frame Control is a container for other .NET Controls. It provides all the standard container features and many more, including being a control container, runtime editing, automatic control positioning/sizing, save to configuration files, and grid and layout facilities. It is a member of a family of related components called KineticaRT, which can be used separately or in unison to build control and monitoring applications.
- Submitted 3/11/2003

Free XP tooltip Control
by Neodeck Software
The nd tooltip control is free and very easy to use control for providing interactive help to your users while they are using your application. You can change the fonts of all the elements inside the control, or just use your own captions. It includes tip tails for all positions.
- Submitted 3/21/2003

FreeLink ActiveX
by Epsilon Software
FreeLink ActiveX is a label control that will highlight when the user moves the mouse over it. It will also start a URL in the user's default web browser or email client if it is clicked. It is freeware and includes complete source code.
- Submitted 3/4/2000
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