ActiveX Products in Windows User Interface
» Found 506 items in Windows User Interface: Displaying 321 - 340

by Team Nexgen
Textbox control which can accept mIRC color codes (foreground and background) which scrolls bottom to top, like mIRC. Just drop this in any IRC project and it's ready to use.
- Submitted 9/19/2005

by Ingenius
Really Simple Progress Bar alternative that shows the percentage value at the center of the bar in white
- Submitted 3/11/2001

Numerically Formated TextBox
by Samir Desai
NumBox Control consists of all validationrequired for Numerical Fields. You can specify FormatText and Value. It has inbuilt validation like disable the Alphabetic characters. Allowing only one Decimal Point.[Example Format - #,##,###.## Value = 287549.585 Produces 2,87,549.59] While you can still get original Value by accessing Value Property, Your NumBox Control will show the Value in the Specified Format. Mail requisition alongwith your Name and Contact Information to
- Submitted 1/29/2002

NumericInput Control
by TECA, Inc.
The TECA NumericInput Control is an edit box control that can only accept numeric input. Allows you to advance the cursor on the Enter key. Allows decimal-less numeric entry exactly like an AS/400 or UNIX host allows. Offers rules-based data validation a
- Submitted 7/14/2000

Odometer ActiveX Component
by Global Majic Software
The Odometer ActiveX Control is a numeric display similar to an automobile's odometer of tripometer. The font, number of digits, colors, number of decimals, and reset button are user-definable.
- Submitted 10/9/1998

Office Style Listbar
by DinkIT Limited
Add Microsoft office style listbars/ButtonBars to your applications with this simple to use ActiveX control. implement any look and fell including Office XP or Office 2000, Also has support for windows themes on Windows XP and above.
- Submitted 5/29/2002

Office XP and NET Style ActiveX...
by FK-IN Software
Office XP and .NET Style ActiveX Menu Control is the easy-to-use ActiveX control for VB that gives your application Office XP style menus, as well as the new Office 2003 style menus in just minutes. It is a drop-in menu enhancer for Visual Basic, you do not have to change the way you have used visual basic menus till now. Simply drop this control on the main form of your application and run the application.
- Submitted 5/8/2004

OfficeMDI Tabs
by Teebo Software Solutions
Instantly add .NET, Office 2003, and OneNote style tabbed MDI interfaces to your VB6 applications without writing a single line of code. OfficeMDI Tabs works with your existing MDI applications, so you can add a great new look in just minutes. Your application's users will love the modern, intuitive user interface. All this in a 70kb OCX.
- Submitted 9/22/2004

by Teebo Software Solutions
OfficeMenu is the easy to use ActiveX control for VB that gives your application Office XP and Office 2003 style menus in just minutes, and doesn't require you to write a single line of code. OfficeMenu is fully Unicode compliant, and supports all the great features you'd expect in a menu control, including icons, checkmarks, custom fonts, submenus, alpha blended shadows, Visual Styles, right-to-left support, and more! Includes comprehensive HTML help, and sample projects to help you get started
- Submitted 9/29/2003

Outlook 2003 Style ShortcutBar
by Teebo Software Solutions
ShortcutBar is an ActiveX control that provides a Microsoft Outlook 2003 style navigation side bar for your applications As an added bonus, we are also including the OutlookContainer control. This is an Office 2003 Style frame control that mimics that mini-container in Outlook 2003. You can use this control to provide sub-headings within ShortcutBar for different sets of information.
- Submitted 12/7/2004

Oxygen WndTranslucency ActiveX Cont
by Oxygen Software
Oxygen WndTranslucency ActiveX control allows all pixels painted by the window in specified color be transparent. Smoothly rendering without the flickering, automatically repainting underlying windows. Works only under Microsoft Windows 2000 operating sys
- Submitted 12/5/2000

Oxygen WndTransparency ActiveX Cont
by Oxygen Software
Oxygen WndTransparency ActiveX Control allows to make your windows SEMITRANSPARENT with specified alpha transparency value. Smoothly rendering without the flickering, automatically repainting underlying windows. Works only under Microsoft Windows 2000 o
- Submitted 12/5/2000

OzResizer (Free. Runtime Resizer)
by OzSoft
OzResizer is a simple control that allows developers to create runtime resizable objects. This ActiveX is useful for developing layout projects. The control takes the size and position values from the assigned control and displays 8 points to allow user to resize the object dynamically like in the design environment in Visual Basic and other IDEs.
- Submitted 9/13/2002

Panel ActiveX control
by Inspired Creations
A Panel control provides a container that can contain other components. Supports: - Dock/undock panel styles - Automatic drag - Full color customization - Auto coloration - Background picture - Two grip styles - Unicode character-encoding standard - MDI applications - Header customization - Header icon - Header orientation ... plus more Possible Uses - As a replacement for the standard MS Frame control. - To provide a container in your MDI applications.
- Submitted 10/22/2004

PatternCombo ActiveX Control
by NiceFeather Software
Key Features: 1. Ideal tool to select GDI brush from customized patterns list. 2. Support solid brush, hatch brush, customizing texture brush. 3. A built-in professional patterns Pick/Edit dialog. 4. Offers powerful items data management capabilities such as add, insert, delete, find, move, get/set information. 5. Item type can be General, Default, Browse and Separate style, all types has own properties, methods and events. 6. Item string, font, height, shadow, fore/back color, and other p
- Submitted 9/4/2005

PBBalloon 1.0 is the Perfect Control for developers that want to use Balloon Messages on any Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP. There is no Need to know API, and in only 3 lines you can have a Balloon Shown with no trouble at all. You are able to customize the Position, the Icon, the Title and the Message. It is realy easy to use. You can aslo Add Buttons and Links to the Balloons, and Change the Balloon Content while its being shown.
- Submitted 12/20/2002

by SkySof Software
PDFViewer OCX is an ActiveX component which enables your application to display and interact with PDF files. Simply place the control on your form, set the Path property, and you are all set! PDFViewer OCX is identical to Adobe Acrobats PDF Reader program.
- Submitted 6/12/2005

by pdSoftware
pdProgress provides you with several different style progressbars in a tiny control that looks smoother then the regular windows progressbar.
- Submitted 10/12/2004

by pdSoftware
pdTaskbar allows you to easily add your application it's icons to the Windows taskbar's Icontray. Very flexible and very easy to use! Returns all mouse messages on the icon, also the messages other taskbar icon controls usually don't include.
- Submitted 10/13/2004

Percent ActiveX Component
by Global Majic Software
Flexible percentage interface for indicating levels of progress. Levels can be set directly by the user or indirectly by allowing the control to calculate them. The number of percentage areas and shapes (bar, ellipse, tank, user-defined) are easily set.
- Submitted 10/9/1998
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